Following Syriza's election victory, a year ago, some Western leaders and
media pundits began to speak of the party’s dangerous foreign policy pursuits.The
government's expressed interest in the strengthening Greek-Russian relations, as
well as relations with China, in an apparent effort to find some way to boost
the Greek economy, had provoked almost hysterical reactions. A loan from Russia
or China seemed a more favorable alternative to any new eurozone bailout with
all its unpopular measures and reforms attached. Just before his inauguration
as Prime Minister on January 26, Tsipras first held meetings with the Russian
and Chinese ambassadors in Athens.
Putin met Tsipras two times in Russia and energy minister Panayiotis Lafazanis
worked hard to deepen the relations between Greece and Russia in the energy
For some, the fears of a Russia-Greece axis were real, and they drew
support for their reasoning from the late Samuel Huntington's thesis on
"the clash of civilizations", which asserts that orthodoxy places
Greece in Russia's camp. Moreover, a global survey by the Pew
Research Center from September 2013, found that 63% of Greeks held favorable
views of Russia. For about six months, during the negotiations with
international creditors and the German leadership over reforms needed to avoid
bankruptcy, foreign policy under Syriza
was to be at odds with EU’s foreign policy on a broad range of issues, such as:
EU sanctions against Russia
over Ukraine -on becoming foreign minister, Nikos Kotzias questioned
the rationale and effectiveness of EU sanctions against Russia over Ukraine.
The reversal of an earlier Russian initiative for a
pipeline to Europe called‘‘South Stream’’and a new
gas pipeline to channel Russian gas to Europe through Turkey, and its
replacement with an American initiative for a pipeline from Azerbaijan.
A new “Annan plan” for Cyprus,
under the auspices of NATO, whichwould eliminate the sovereignty
of the Cyprus Republic while facilitating the creation of an energy triangle in
the East Mediterranean linking Israel, Turkey and Cyprus.
The recognition
of Kosovo as an independent state, as Greece along with four other EU countries
-Cyprus, Romania, Spain, and Slovakia—does not recognize the breakaway former
Yugoslavian province.
A solution to FYROM’s name, so that this country,
along with Montenegro joins NATO at the Warsaw Summit (8-9 July, 2016).
Just a year after SYRIZA’s election victory,
everything has changed. Western analysts' fears proved to be unfounded. Greek-Russian
relations have been frozen and Tsipras and Kotzias are intensively promoting American
goals in the Balkan Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean region. All the
above-mentioned issues are now heading fora “solution”, in accordance with
American aspirations. Greece, under Tsipras, has turned into a most obedient servant
of US geopolitical and geostrategic interests.
It is no surprise that
US Vice President Joe Biden, during a meeting with Tsipras in Davos (20.1.16),hailed Greece’s role in
promoting the solution
of the Cyprus
issue and FYROM’s name and welcomed the completion of the procedures concerning
the Trans Adriatic Pipeline and the Greece-Bulgaria Interconnector.
Indeed, the Greek Ministry of Energy approved the
planned route of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline on January 14 2016. The first
volume of gas as part of this project will be transported to Europe in early 2020.
In addition, Sofia and Athens, on December 16 2015, signed a final investment
agreement to build a natural gas pipeline (known as IGB) to help Bulgaria
reduce its almost complete reliance on Russian gas supplies.
On Cyprus, an agreement is closer than ever.
Nicos Anastasiades, under the guidance of US and British governments, is ready
to go to a referendum for the new plan next summer.And on this issue Tsipras
and Kotzias are supporting the American plans, insisting only on resolving the
guarantees system, possibly replacing the defunct tripartite guarantor
agreement of 1960 with NATO’s direct involvement.
On the dispute over FYROM’s name, the talks
between Athens and Skopje are continuing under Matthew Nimetz’s mediation and Washington
hopes that the elections in FYROM in April will have a positive effect towards
creating a climate of trust for a mutually acceptable solution. On its part,the
Greek government seems to be ready for any compromise, under the pressure of the
migrant crisis. Noting that, FYROM has erected a fence on its Greek border in
order to prevent the migrants from crossing its territory on their way to
Northern Europe.
As regards Kosovo, Nikos Kotzias visited
Pristina and welcomed the idea of opening an Office for Kosovo in Athens or
Thessaloniki. After that, Serbia asked Greece to clarify the statements and
Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said that any change in Greece’s policy towards Kosovo
“would not accord with the friendly relations between Serbia and Greece,
traditional allies”.
Tsipras follows NATO’s policy towards to Turkey on
the migrant crisis too. He visited Ankara and held talks with Ahmet Davutoglu
about the flow of migrants crossing from Turkey into Greece,effectively helped by
Turkish authorities. The Greek PM is to meet with his Turkish counterpart in
Izmir in February, while a second meeting has been scheduled to be held on the Greek island of Simi at a later date.
Finally, with Greece’s vote the European Union
moved on December 18 to extend sanctions against Russia for another six months.
Here, undoubtedly, we have an unprecedented in
the history of international relations rapid and complete about-face.
Some may assume that this turnabout was due to
Tsipras’ total defeat in the negotiations with the creditors and the EU. As is
known, in August, on the edge of financial ruin, Tsipras accepted austerity measures
harsher than what previous governments were asked to implement.
This decision resulted in the departure of the
Left Platform, sensitive on issues of national sovereignty, from the party
while the Vice President, Yannis Dragasakis, praised the contribution of the
USA in the negotiations with the following words: “I have to publicly thank the
US Government and Mr. Obama for without their help and insistence that the deal
has to include the debt issue and the prospect of development we may not have succeeded.
However, a careful observer could have noted
that even in first semester of SYRIZA’s governance, American reactions remained
calm. Washington showed no concern for the Russian adventures of the Greek
Government. If this is not curious then what is. Just once the US intervened
directly to the Greek provisional government in September. Then the United States had called on Greece to deny Russia
the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria.
The conclusion we reach is that from the outset the
American factor was using the SYRIZA government to pursue its own
interests,namely as an American and IMF Trojan Horse in the EU and lever for the
americanization of the Balkans. The Greek people only now understand the game
being played behind their backs, with the new destructive measures of the third
Memorandum and the looming national defeats. The question is how much longer
will Greek citizens tolerate this toxic stranglehold.
Δημοσιεύθηκε στο : https://katehon.com/en/article/foreign-policy-syriza
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